When it all started
It all started with dad Diego's passion for the countryside and what a farming life in the service of nature can offer. His great goal has always been to cultivate little, to cultivate well by focusing on diversification, so as to put people's needs at the centre. Favouring organic and sustainable cultivation while respecting the environment and people's health. The first steps back in 1992 with the establishment of the Maso Paradiso farm and a few small fields on the slopes of the Brenta in the Giudicarie valley and in the Valle dei Laghi in Arco.
A passion so contagious that it led his son Davide to join the project with the birth in 2015 of the Albero della Vita farm, specialising in the cultivation and production of extra virgin olive oil in the Alto Garda area and craft beer.
And that's not all. In fact, a few years later, his son Luca also joined the company, founding in 2016 the Azienda Agricola Maso Fruttolo, specialised in the production of vegetables and cereals in the Alto Garda area.
What we are today
A dream that began thirty years ago and is now carried forward by the entire Pederzolli family, under the Maso Trentino business network. A reality that is growing more and more, above all thanks to the support of our customers, who have never left us since they met us.
are located on the slopes of the Brenta in the Giudicarie valley between Bleggio Superiore and Madice; in the Alto Garda between Arco and Riva del Garda and in the Valle dei Laghi at Sarche